My gouache Two Autochthonic Monsters is going to be in two exhibitions in Greece: first, in Syntagma Square in Athens from 21-28 June 2010, then at Vellideio Cultural Centre in Thessaloniki on November 10.
My gouache and red wine stain remover Television is going to be in "Great Lakes Showcase 2010" at Walker Arts and Humanities Center, Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan from April 26 through May 2.
I am going to have my Crayola Color Reveal Markers on Color Wonder paper drawing The Natural Philosophy of Frustration at the "pop-up gallery" pLAyLAnd in Los Angeles's show "Critical Mass" from April 3-May 31.
"Aspect of a Typical Yooper Farm" in "Life on the Keweenaw" at Miskwabik Ed Gray Gallery, Calumet, Michigan USA
My gouache and red wine stain remover painting on rice paper Aspect of a Typical Yooper Farm is going to be included in the juried group exhibition "Life on the Keweenaw" at Miskwabik Ed Gray Gallery in Calumet, Michigan USA from March 5-21; there will be an opening on Friday from 6:30=9 p.m.